Chris Smith Aviation Consultancy Limited

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Airplane Flying

The name and the map say it all!  If you are seeking understanding and assistance in most aspects of the air transport industry anywhere in the world, you need look no further.  On the pages of this site, you will find more details about issues, experience and services offered on airports, airlines, ground handling, and air navigation service providers.

The services CSACL offers are founded on a thorough understanding of the drivers of the air transport business, its markets, its economics and its finances.  The need for the services can be from existing participants or those considering an investment in the industry.  The services can be provided on
• an initial expert advisory basis
• a longer and more structured project with detailed report
• as a technical witness in a legal or arbitration case
• as an in-bedded expert in a management or bidding team
- whatever best suits your needs! 

The context of the work might be an acquisition, shaping the business structure of a privatisation, preparing a set of traffic or financial forecasts or a business plan, or providing a fresh set of independent eyes on a difficult problem.

After 35 years in the air transport industry, 25 with three leading consultancy firms (PwC, SH&E and Seabury), Chris Smith has established his own independent consultancy,although as a Senior Advisor with Seabury Aviation & Aerospace, is able to call on the greater resources of a larger firm as and when needed.

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